Iraq Star have extensive experience of delivery of the full
suite of Energy Sector Security and Support Services.
We are based in Basra and have an unrivalled understanding
of the challenges of working within the oilfields of Iraq.
Iraq Star offer those working in the energy industry in Iraq
a single source for all the security and support requirements
though all phases of a their project:
Accommodation Camps security Journey management Surveys Pipelines Degassing Stations Well site establishment Drilling Rig Security Workover Rig Security Rig Moves Rig site clean up
Iraq Star are unique in being able to deliver every
element required for energy sector security in Iraq.
Site Establishment & Physical Security
Working with our partners Iraq Star can procure the design
and construction of the basic infrastructure required for
the physical protection of energy sector Rig operations. From
well pads, T walls, berms, fencing through to the creation
of approach roads Iraq Star deliver all elements to meet the
exacting standards demanded of Oilfield operators.
Rig Operations - Drilling, Completion and Workover
Rig sites in Iraq are governed by detailed physical security
requirements. Iraq Star are familiar with these requirements
and can procure, install, maintain and relocate all items
required from ditch and berm through to CCTV. Iraq Star can
provide these for long term Rig operations or short term rig
Rig Moves
Iraq Star offer the flexibility of service to work with our
Rig Operator clients to ensure that Rig moves occur on time
and on budget. With our in-house logistics assets we are able
to quickly respond to our client's needs and ensure that down
time is minimised.
Iraq Star have a staff of Security Managers who are vastly
experienced in working on oilfield sites in Iraq. They understand
our clients business and are focussed on delivering a high
quality service which ensures that projects are completed
on time and to budget.
Our Guarding staff are highly trained and experienced. Iraq
Star operate to the highest international standards and we
ensure that our staff receive the equipment and support to
deliver to the standards we set.
Risk Analysis
Iraq Star commence every Energy Sector Security and Support
Project with a detailed Risk Analysis and Vulnerability Assessment.
This provides the foundation for ensuring that perimeter protection,
access control and site surveillance measures are fit for
We develop a detailed Security Management Plan for every project
ensuring that Iraq Star's standards are assured for the client.